Here you'll find some of my horror stories. Click on the links below to read them.

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Being a single father was never easy, but nothing could have prepared me for the chilling events that recently began to plague my home.

Jackson has always claimed that he had a guardian angel. I never believed him, but he talks about the damn thing constantly. And it’s like he’s becoming more and more obsessed with his angel. He’s begun to act strangely, sometimes even violently, and I’m beginning to think that his guardian angel isn’t exactly imaginary.

It began with one of the townsfolk. He woke with a start in the middle of the night, sweating and shivering, incapable of recalling what he had witnessed in his sleep. But he wasn’t the only one…

A plague had came upon Telos, though one unlike those which had previously ravaged this country. For this plague was not an illness, at least not the physical sort. What befell them was a dream plague, a disease of the mind which penetrated to the very core of their psyches.

Jason Kember thinks he’s finally free of his mother’s constant rambling about all things occult. However, after five years of no contact, she calls him in a frenzied state and admits to having performed a forbidden ritual.

He dismisses her as crazy and even has her placed in a psychiatric facility. For some reason, the inmates and even the staff seem to fear her. Soon, even Jason’s cold rationality begins to crumble in the face of dark and horrifying occurrences.

My father used to work as a clown, and in doing so, he seemed to possess a sort of surreal magic. When he donned his clown suit, it was as if he was an entirely different person. Every aspect of him changed before me. His eyes took on an unusual depth, and he seemed much more spry than I ever remembered him being. But time took its toll, and dementia destroyed that once incredible man.

However, he’s seemed more like the man he once was. I was thrilled at first, but I’m beginning to wonder about the cost of this transformation. Children have begun to go missing nearby, and there’s a strange knowing look in my father’s gaze.

“I’ve been a search and rescue diver for twelve years. We see a lot of strange and disgusting things. But what I saw last week has me questioning both my job and reality.”

There’s a place in the river where not even search and rescue divers are supposed to go. It’s called Badwater.

But when Joseph Albright dives into this forbidden region, he discovers something beyond comprehension. Intent on solving a mystery as old as the earth itself, he comes into contact with forces beyond fathom.

When I was ten years old my family moved into a new home. It was old, rickety, and, as always, cheap. My room was a cramped and stuffy corner of the home which always seemed either too hot or too cold. Most notably, the walls were made of paneled wood. You know what I mean – the kind with dark and light swirls and obscure little markings.

Almost immediately, I noticed a pattern in the wood directly beside my bed. It looked exactly like a face with two wide eyes and a gaping mouth. But soon, it became so much more. It spoke. It said horrible things. And now, years later, it’s back.

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